contact us

We will be glad to provide a free, no obligation consultation and custom designed solar system in the greater Durango area to meet your financial and environmental goals.

When emailing, please include your phone number so we can call with any questions.

(970)403-5004 (Call or Text)

Durango, CO 81301


Based in Durango, Colorado, Flatrock Solar is a locally owned and operated solar panel contractor and installer serving the Durango area from Cortez to Pagosa Springs and Silverton to Ignacio.  Flatrock Solar has been helping businesses, homeowners and non-profits convert Colorado sunshine into clean, renewable energy since 2010.  

Thoughts - musings on solar panels and renewable energy

This page is for thoughts and ideas about solar and the environment in general.  I'm passionate about solar and think and read about it daily.  This will be a space for these thoughts.

Stay-at-home changing grid usage patterns

Dan Diehl

The new stay-at-home orders across the US are apparently changing the electrical grid’s usage patterns with weekdays now looking more like weekends with everyone at home all day. Managing the grid is always a delicate balance of supply and demand and it will be interesting to see how solar energy plays a part of this balancing act with the new usage patterns.

As of now, solar panels are still available and only batteries are starting to be in short supply. Once this pandemic blows over and everyone gets back to work, will the some of the ‘new’ patterns vanish or will there be a lingering shadow remaining?