contact us

We will be glad to provide a free, no obligation consultation and custom designed solar system in the greater Durango area to meet your financial and environmental goals.

When emailing, please include your phone number so we can call with any questions.

(970)403-5004 (Call or Text)

Durango, CO 81301


Based in Durango, Colorado, Flatrock Solar is a locally owned and operated solar panel contractor and installer serving the Durango area from Cortez to Pagosa Springs and Silverton to Ignacio.  Flatrock Solar has been helping businesses, homeowners and non-profits convert Colorado sunshine into clean, renewable energy since 2010.  

Durango Solar - FAQs

Frequently asked questions about solar photovoltaic systems in Durango and their answers.  

Should I wash my solar panels?

Dan Diehl

I always recommend to not worry about washing your solar panels.  In southwest Colorado we get enough rain and snow to clean the panels.  Also, if your tap water has minerals in it (which I think it all does in this area) you can get water spots and mineral deposits on the panels.  A study done by the University of California at San Diego has shown that even if it hasn't rained for 145 days, in dusty southern California, it only reduces the output of your solar panels by 7.4% or about $20 for a 5 kW system.  Probably not worth the effort or expense of cleaning your panels.